At the beginning of 2025, India’s leading production house, Maddock Films’ took the entertainment sector by storm as they announced 8 upcoming horror-comedy films that will be released from this year to 2028. After the super success of Stree 2 now the makers of this film are gearing up for the 2025 film Shakti Shalini. It seems like a new-age actor has also been signed for the film. While it seems like Vaani Kapoor, Kiara Advani and Triptii Dimri were the contenders, let us know who clinched the role of this anticipated horror-comedy film. At the beginning of 2025, India’s leading production house, Maddock Films’ took the entertainment sector by storm as they announced 8 upcoming horror-comedy films that will be released from this year to 2028. After the super success of Stree 2 now the makers of this film are gearing up for the 2025 film Shakti Shalini. It seems like a new-age actor has also been signed for the film. While it seems like Vaani Kapoor, Kiara Advani and Triptii Dimri were the contenders, let us know who clinched the role of this anticipated horror-comedy film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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