Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas has boarded Oscar-shortlisted film Anuja as an executive producer. The film already has two-time Academy Award winner Guneet Monga and Mindy Kaling as its producers. Anuja is one of the 15 films to be selected in the Live Action Short category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). Directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, Anuja follows a gifted nine-year-old Anuja, who must make a choice between education and factory work alongside her sister, a decision that will shape both their futures. It stars Sajda Pathan and Ananya Shanbhag. Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas has boarded Oscar-shortlisted film Anuja as an executive producer. The film already has two-time Academy Award winner Guneet Monga and Mindy Kaling as its producers. Anuja is one of the 15 films to be selected in the Live Action Short category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). Directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, Anuja follows a gifted nine-year-old Anuja, who must make a choice between education and factory work alongside her sister, a decision that will shape both their futures. It stars Sajda Pathan and Ananya Shanbhag. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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