Ibrahim Ali Khan, who is the son of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, left his Insta fam in awe on Friday evening after he shared a series of pictures. Soon after he shared these pictures, social media users started drawing comparisons of his looks with his father. In the pics, he can be seen posing in low light wearing both white and black vest in a messy hairstyle. His fans were quick enough to flood the comment section, comparing his look to Saif Ali Khan. Ibrahim Ali Khan, who is the son of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, left his Insta fam in awe on Friday evening after he shared a series of pictures. Soon after he shared these pictures, social media users started drawing comparisons of his looks with his father. In the pics, he can be seen posing in low light wearing both white and black vest in a messy hairstyle. His fans were quick enough to flood the comment section, comparing his look to Saif Ali Khan. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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