New Delhi: Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on January 10, 2025, inspected the manufacturing of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai. The minister, accompanied by General Manager U Subba Rao, inspected ICF’s furnishing division, sleeper coaches of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains and pantry cars which are being produced at the facility. Notably, the ICF was inaugurated in 1955 and is one of the earliest production units in India. It has over 9,300 employees who produce more than 2,500 coaches every year.
It goes without saying that the Amrit Bharat Express is one of the most popular trains in India right now. The superfast express is a non-air-conditioned, low-cost, sleeper cum unreserved service connecting cities at a faster pace, enabling travellers to cover the distance in much shorter time. The train entered commercial service on January 1, 2024. In this article, we will take a look at the features of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains.
Important features of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains
Affordable and premium travel
The 2.0 version of Amrit Bharat train is thoughtfully designed to bring premium train facilities within reach of ordinary citizens, combining affordability with modern comfort.
Comfort of passengers
Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains will have the vibrant colour scheme for modern look. The coaches will have chains with locking system, ergonomic handles, and ladders for easy access. The upper berths will have aluminium extrusions and thicker seat cushions, which will result in greater comfort during long journeys. Also, there are aluminum luggage racks which will give more space to travellers to place their baggage.
Semi-Automatic Couplers
Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains will have greatly reduced vibration and jerking, enabling a smoother ride. The trains will have easy coupling or uncoupling with automatic locking mechanism and no manual intervention is needed. Also, the trains will have energy-absorbing deformation tubes which provide safety during any crash. The trains have globally accepted standardized coupler design.
Upgraded toilets
The toilets of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains will have fire-safe FRP panels which are HL-3 Certified, durable stainless steel wash basins with Corian finishes, leak-proof design, better drainage, and ventilation for hygiene. Also, the interiors of the toilets are brighter with three LED spotlights.
Modern convenience
The coaches of the trains will feature modern LED lighting in cabins, corridors and toilets and efficient BLDC fans. The windows will be made of aluminum with fewer screws and there will be USB-A and USB-C chargers and mobile phone holders. Also, the coaches will have sturdy bottle holders and snack table with branded hinge locks.
Enhanced safety
Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains will have brakes with EP Assist System for precise and smooth halts. Also, there will be flexible gangways with durable footplates.
Emergency Talk-Back System
During an emergency, there is the facility of two-way communication between passengers and the guard. There will be units in every coach for quick response.
Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw recently inspected the production of Amrit Bharat 2.0 trains at Chennai’s Integral Coach Factory (ICF). These upgraded trains boast enhanced passenger comfort with features like ergonomic handles, improved berths, and modern LED lighting. Safety is prioritized with semi-automatic couplers, energy-absorbing tubes, and an emergency talk-back system. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today