After his Bollywood debut with UT 69, businessman Raj Kundra is all set to make his Punjabi film debut. Taking to his Instagram handle on Monday, he announced his new project titled Mehr along with the motion poster. The voiceover in the post read, ”Kahaani sirf heroki nahi hoti, zero ki bhihoti hai.” Along with the poster, Kundra added a caption that read, ”This Lohri, we are overjoyed to announce Mehr—a tale of relationships, love, and life, inspired by the blessings that surround us. As Mehr means blessings, we humbly seek your love and prayers for this special journey. May Wahe Guru’s Mehr be with us all as we bring this heartfelt story to life.” After his Bollywood debut with UT 69, businessman Raj Kundra is all set to make his Punjabi film debut. Taking to his Instagram handle on Monday, he announced his new project titled Mehr along with the motion poster. The voiceover in the post read, ”Kahaani sirf heroki nahi hoti, zero ki bhihoti hai.” Along with the poster, Kundra added a caption that read, ”This Lohri, we are overjoyed to announce Mehr—a tale of relationships, love, and life, inspired by the blessings that surround us. As Mehr means blessings, we humbly seek your love and prayers for this special journey. May Wahe Guru’s Mehr be with us all as we bring this heartfelt story to life.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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