Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently undergoing surgery at Mumbai, Lilavati Hospital after he was attacked with knives by an intruder at his residence on Thursday. A statement from Saif Ali Khan’s public relations team confirmed the attack. They described it as an attempted burglary. The message said, “A burglary attempt was made at the home of Mr. Saif Ali Khan. He is having surgery in the hospital right now. We ask for patience from the fans and media. This is a police issue.” Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently undergoing surgery at Mumbai, Lilavati Hospital after he was attacked with knives by an intruder at his residence on Thursday. A statement from Saif Ali Khan’s public relations team confirmed the attack. They described it as an attempted burglary. The message said, “A burglary attempt was made at the home of Mr. Saif Ali Khan. He is having surgery in the hospital right now. We ask for patience from the fans and media. This is a police issue.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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