A shocking news of the kidnapping of an internet sensation has surfaced on social media. As per a report, ‘Mukesh Ki Comedy’ actress Janvi Modi was kidnapped on Tuesday evening from a town in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district. As per a report by India TV’s Manish Bhattacharya, the miscreants kidnapped the actress in front of her mother. The incident took place at 7 pm on Tuesday evening in the market of Sri Dungargarh in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Janvi has been a part of short movies made in the Marwari language. Her content is mostly seen on a YouTube channel wherein she often plays the role of a daughter-in-law. A shocking news of the kidnapping of an internet sensation has surfaced on social media. As per a report, ‘Mukesh Ki Comedy’ actress Janvi Modi was kidnapped on Tuesday evening from a town in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district. As per a report by India TV’s Manish Bhattacharya, the miscreants kidnapped the actress in front of her mother. The incident took place at 7 pm on Tuesday evening in the market of Sri Dungargarh in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Janvi has been a part of short movies made in the Marwari language. Her content is mostly seen on a YouTube channel wherein she often plays the role of a daughter-in-law. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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