Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan met and gave a hug to Bhajan Singh Rana, the autorickshaw driver who took him to the hospital after the January 16 knife assault. Saif’s mother, Sharmila Tagore, personally thanked and blessed Rana for his prompt assistance, bringing a sense of gratitude to the poignant meeting. Saif acknowledged his part in ensuring the actor received immediate medical assistance during the crucial moments and conveyed his gratitude for Rana’s prompt response. Before leaving Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, Saif Ali Khan spoke briefly for five minutes with Bhajan Singh Rana. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan met and gave a hug to Bhajan Singh Rana, the autorickshaw driver who took him to the hospital after the January 16 knife assault. Saif’s mother, Sharmila Tagore, personally thanked and blessed Rana for his prompt assistance, bringing a sense of gratitude to the poignant meeting. Saif acknowledged his part in ensuring the actor received immediate medical assistance during the crucial moments and conveyed his gratitude for Rana’s prompt response. Before leaving Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, Saif Ali Khan spoke briefly for five minutes with Bhajan Singh Rana. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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