Coldplay singer Chris Martin, who is currently in India, attended a close-knit celebration of the year anniversary of the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation in Mumbai on Wednesday. The Sachin Tendulkar Foundation was established by the former cricketer and his wife Anjali to serve the less privileged in terms of health, education and sports for development. The celebrations were held at the Bombay Club which was also attended by the Coldplay singer. Coldplay singer Chris Martin, who is currently in India, attended a close-knit celebration of the year anniversary of the Sachin Tendulkar Foundation in Mumbai on Wednesday. The Sachin Tendulkar Foundation was established by the former cricketer and his wife Anjali to serve the less privileged in terms of health, education and sports for development. The celebrations were held at the Bombay Club which was also attended by the Coldplay singer. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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