Akshay Kumar, one of the richest actors in Bollywood, has again made a ton of money recently. No, this time not with any of his films, which are not performing well at the box office in the first place, but by selling an apartment in Mumbai. As per a report by Press Trust of India (PTI), the Sky Force actor has sold his apartment, located in the suburbs of Borivali East for Rs 4.25 crore. The report claimed that the real estate consultant Square Yards has reviewed property registration documents related to this transaction. Akshay Kumar, one of the richest actors in Bollywood, has again made a ton of money recently. No, this time not with any of his films, which are not performing well at the box office in the first place, but by selling an apartment in Mumbai. As per a report by Press Trust of India (PTI), the Sky Force actor has sold his apartment, located in the suburbs of Borivali East for Rs 4.25 crore. The report claimed that the real estate consultant Square Yards has reviewed property registration documents related to this transaction. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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