After months of speculation, SS Rajamouli seems to have confirmed his upcoming project with superstar Mahesh Babu, tentatively titled SSMB29. Rajamouli took to his Instagram account to share a video, which was anything but ordinary. He humorously shared that he had “caged the lion” (referring to Mahesh Babu) and even taken the actor’s passport, implying that the actor would be tied up with the film’s shoot. Mahesh Babu took to the comments section to react to the post as he responded with a famous dialogue from the 2006 blockbuster Pokiri. His comment read, “Okkasaari commit ayithe naa maata nene vinanu,” which translates to, “Once I commit, I won’t even listen to myself.” After months of speculation, SS Rajamouli seems to have confirmed his upcoming project with superstar Mahesh Babu, tentatively titled SSMB29. Rajamouli took to his Instagram account to share a video, which was anything but ordinary. He humorously shared that he had “caged the lion” (referring to Mahesh Babu) and even taken the actor’s passport, implying that the actor would be tied up with the film’s shoot. Mahesh Babu took to the comments section to react to the post as he responded with a famous dialogue from the 2006 blockbuster Pokiri. His comment read, “Okkasaari commit ayithe naa maata nene vinanu,” which translates to, “Once I commit, I won’t even listen to myself.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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