Bollywood actor Govinda hurt himself on Tuesday during a bullet misfiring incident. The actor was immediately taken to Mumbai hospital and has been under supervision since then. Several Bollywood celebs including his long-time friend and filmmaker David Dhawan have been to the hospital to meet the actor. Now Govinda, Shiv Sena leader and actor’s wife Sunita Ahuja has given a new health update on his health. She also revealed the day when the actor will be discharged from the hospital. Bollywood actor Govinda hurt himself on Tuesday during a bullet misfiring incident. The actor was immediately taken to Mumbai hospital and has been under supervision since then. Several Bollywood celebs including his long-time friend and filmmaker David Dhawan have been to the hospital to meet the actor. Now Govinda, Shiv Sena leader and actor’s wife Sunita Ahuja has given a new health update on his health. She also revealed the day when the actor will be discharged from the hospital. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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