Whenever Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor comes out the promote a film, there is always a discussion about his classic film Jab We Met the media. This film still lives in the hearts of the people. From the songs of the movie to the acting, it is often mentioned among the audience. Recently, during an interview, the director of the film, Imtiaz Ali, was asked where he would have seen Aditya and Geet today, in response to which he said that they would have been divorced in the current scenario. After the director’s comment, Shahid Kapoor was also questioned on the same thing. However, his reply has not only upset Jab We Met fans but has also dived the internet. Whenever Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor comes out the promote a film, there is always a discussion about his classic film Jab We Met the media. This film still lives in the hearts of the people. From the songs of the movie to the acting, it is often mentioned among the audience. Recently, during an interview, the director of the film, Imtiaz Ali, was asked where he would have seen Aditya and Geet today, in response to which he said that they would have been divorced in the current scenario. After the director’s comment, Shahid Kapoor was also questioned on the same thing. However, his reply has not only upset Jab We Met fans but has also dived the internet. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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