World Day for International Justice: What is the importance of this day?

World Day for International Justice: What is the importance of this day?

New Delhi: Every year on July 17, World Day for International Justice is observed all over the world. Also known as International Justice Day, it celebrates the growing system and the importance of international criminal justice. In today’s world, war and violent conflicts are prevalent in many countries. To bring peace and harmony, it is necessary to rigorously implement a set of international laws to check crimes and bind everyone together under one umbrella. In this article, we will learn more about this day.

Why wa July 17 adopted as the day?

The day is celebrated on July 17 because it was on this date that the treaty creating the International Criminal Court was adopted. On June 1, 2010, the Assembly of State Parties decided to celebrate July 17 as the Day of International Criminal Justice at the Review Conference of the Rome Statute held in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Every year on this day, people all over the world host events to highlight and promote international criminal justice and drum up support for the International Criminal Court.

The day brings forth and makes us aware of the importance of holding perpetrators responsible for violence accountable for their actions. International criminal justice is especially important to take action against those responsible for war crimes, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other egregious violations of international law. Also, the day makes us aware of the importance of the International Criminal Court.

What is the International Criminal Court?

The International Criminal Court or ICC is an international tribunal and intergovernmental organization with its headquarters in The Hague in the Netherlands. Notably. it is the first of its kind in the world and also the only permanent international court to date which has jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for international crimes against humanity, wars, genocide, war crimes and crimes of aggression. It is separate from the International Court of Justice, which is a United Nations body that deals with disputes between states.

Established thanks to the Rome Statute, the ICC was a significant step toward ensuring justice to parties all over the globe and was an innovation in human rights and international law. However, it has been criticised over the years with some governments ignoring its assertion of jurisdiction, and others have accused it of being biased, racist and Eurocentrist. Hence, there have been questions about its effectiveness in upholding international law.

 Also known as International Justice Day, it celebrates the growing system and the importance of international criminal justice. In today’s world, war and violent conflicts are prevalent in many countries.   knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge