New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a man in China had to get his left eyeball removed due to an infection caused by him killing an insect on his face. A report in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), revealed that the man identified as Wu, killed the fly that was buzzing around him after it landed on him. Following this, an hour later, his left eye became red, swollen and painful which led him to seek immediate help. However, despite receiving medical help his condition worsened and he eventually had to get his left eyeball removed.
The identified man is a resident of Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong, China was treated with seasonal conjunctivitis, the SCMP. The man started experiencing pain in his left eye after which he sought help. However, the pain did not reduce and he started having vision issues.
The symptoms were caused by an infection that treatment could no longer stop it spread as the eyes and the area around the eyes had become severly damaged, noted the doctors. The infection was alarming because of its spread to the man’s brain and hence, the doctors had to remove his entire left eyeball. According to report, the small insect involved was a drain fly, whose larvae often live in water. Such insects are commonly found in dark, damp places in homes, including bathrooms, bathtubs, sinks and kitchens. Because of this, the experts recomend people ro stay in homes and stay away from insect flies near eye and not hitting at it. Rather, gently shoo it away and then wash the touched area with clean water or a saline solution.
Past incidents
In 2018, a 97-year-old woman in China went through the similar incident where she experienced a severe pain in her left cheek due to a fly landing on a wound that lead to an infection. The incident took place beacuse of unhygenic bathroom that attracted many drain flies to the surfaces.
The identified man is a resident of Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong, China was treated with seasonal conjunctivitis, the SCMP. The man started experiencing pain in his left eye after which he sought help. However, the pain did not reduce and he started having vision issues. Health Conditions Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare