The film Thangalaan, featuring Chiyaan Vikram and helmed by Pa. Ranjith, premiered on Independence Day and has been a significant box-office success, nearing Rs 100 crore mark globally. The film achieved a record-breaking opening day collection of over Rs 26 crore worldwide for Vikram. Despite facing competition from new releases in its second week, Thangalaan remains strong in Tamil Nadu’s box office. Additionally, its screen count in the Andhra-Telangana region was significantly increased by 141 screens during the same period, indicating a positive reception from audiences. The film Thangalaan, featuring Chiyaan Vikram and helmed by Pa. Ranjith, premiered on Independence Day and has been a significant box-office success, nearing Rs 100 crore mark globally. The film achieved a record-breaking opening day collection of over Rs 26 crore worldwide for Vikram. Despite facing competition from new releases in its second week, Thangalaan remains strong in Tamil Nadu’s box office. Additionally, its screen count in the Andhra-Telangana region was significantly increased by 141 screens during the same period, indicating a positive reception from audiences. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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