After struggling to drum up interest following its Cannes Film Festival premiere, the young Donald Trump drama “The Apprentice,” starring Sebastian Stan as the former president, has found a distributor that plans to release the film shortly before the election in November. Briarcliff Entertainment will launch “The Apprentice” in theaters on Oct. 11. Part of what dampened interest was the potential threat of legal action. After its Cannes premiere in May, Trump’s reelection campaign spokesperson called the movie “pure fiction” and said the Trump team would file a lawsuit “to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers.” “The Apprentice” chronicles Trump’s rise to power in New York real estate under the tutelage of defense attorney Roy Cohn.
Trump Film ‘The Apprentice’ Finds Distributor, Will Open Before Election world-news World News | Latest International News | Global World News | World News Today