New Delhi: Democracy comes from two Greek words: “Demos” means people, and “Kratos” means power. So, democracy means “power of the people” – a way of governing that depends on the people’s will. There are many models of democratic government around the world. Understanding democracy can help if we know what it is not.
Democracy is not an autocracy or dictatorship, where one person rules; it is not an oligarchy, where a small segment of society rules. Democracy should not simply mean “majority rule” if that results in ignoring the interests of minorities. In theory, a democracy is a government that represents all the people and acts in accordance with their wishes.
Since September 15, 2008, the International Day of Democracy has been observed worldwide. In this article, let us explore why the day is observed and the theme for this year’s International Day of Democracy.
The International Day of Democracy allows us to look at how democracy works globally. Democracy isn’t just a goal—it’s also a process. We need full participation and support from the global community, national governments, civil society, and individuals so that everyone can enjoy democracy.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right, as stated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights also acknowledges the importance of freedom of the press in promoting democracy.
When and why did the International Day of Democracy start?
September 15 of each year is the International Day of Democracy, a significant event established by the United Nations (UN) in 2007. This day is a powerful platform to promote open democracy and its values.
The UN plays a pivotal role in this mission, actively monitoring elections, supporting democratic institutions, and aiding conflict-recovering nations in crafting their constitutions.
Democracy, a system that allows all individuals to participate in decision-making, irrespective of race, gender, or other factors, is a cornerstone of the International Day of Democracy.
International Day of Democracy 2024 Theme
This year’s International Day of Democracy theme is “Artificial Intelligence as a tool for good governance”.
In his message, Secretary-General António Guterres highlights that AI can improve public participation, equality, security, and human development. However, he warns that if AI is not managed correctly, it could pose severe risks to democracy, peace, and stability. The Secretary-General emphasises the importance of governing AI effectively at all levels, including internationally. He mentions the recent release of a report by the High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, which provides recommendations for maximising the benefits of AI while minimising its risks.
Recommendations: AI tools must be available for everyone
According to the United Nations, a report has identified some key principles for forming new global AI governance institutions. These include:
1. Everyone, including people in the Global South, should be able to access and use AI tools.
2. Governance should extend beyond the do-no-harm principle and create a broader accountability framework for companies that develop, deploy, and control AI and for their users.
3. AI governance cannot be separated from data governance and the promotion of data commons.
4. AI governance should prioritise universal involvement by countries and stakeholders and work through existing institutions in a coordinated way.
5. AI governance should be rooted in the UN Charter, International Human Rights Law, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Analysing the impact of AI in democracies
The first global policy framework on AI’s impact on political life and democracy is UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI. It focuses on how AI currently and potentially affects democracy, providing guidelines for democratic governance of AI to reduce negative impacts and promote a more democratic approach to AI governance.
September 15 is the International Day of Democracy, observed annually. The day allows us to appreciate our democratic society and reflect on the history of democracy worldwide. knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge