Shah Rukh Khan has received a threat call from a Raipur man, according to information received from senior sources of Mumbai Police. After registering a case in Mumbai’s Bandra Police Station, the police team reached Raipur in Chhattisgarh. After tracing the number from which the Bollywood superstar received the threatening call, it was found that the number was registered in the name of Faizan from Raipur, who was earlier questioned by the Police. Shah Rukh Khan has received a threat call from a Raipur man, according to information received from senior sources of Mumbai Police. After registering a case in Mumbai’s Bandra Police Station, the police team reached Raipur in Chhattisgarh. After tracing the number from which the Bollywood superstar received the threatening call, it was found that the number was registered in the name of Faizan from Raipur, who was earlier questioned by the Police. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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