Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat’s latest offering cyber thriller CTRL has premiered on Netflix this Friday. People who have watched the film already have put out their first hand reviews on social media. Vikramaditya Motwane’s directorial depicted a cutting-edge thriller about our rising dependency on technology. The trailer showcased Ananya as Nella Awasthi and Vihaan Samat as Joe Mascarenhas, a couple who create content together and are popular on social media. However, their perfect online took a complete turn when they broke up and Ananya through an online application desired to delete him from her life. So, let us check out how the audience felt about this film and whether it is worth giving a try this weekend or not. Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat’s latest offering cyber thriller CTRL has premiered on Netflix this Friday. People who have watched the film already have put out their first hand reviews on social media. Vikramaditya Motwane’s directorial depicted a cutting-edge thriller about our rising dependency on technology. The trailer showcased Ananya as Nella Awasthi and Vihaan Samat as Joe Mascarenhas, a couple who create content together and are popular on social media. However, their perfect online took a complete turn when they broke up and Ananya through an online application desired to delete him from her life. So, let us check out how the audience felt about this film and whether it is worth giving a try this weekend or not. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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