Tamil actor Dhanush is going to be seen on the big screen with his directorial film ‘Idli Kadai’. This is Dhanush’s fourth directorial film. Nithya Menon is going to be seen in a co-role in the film. Today i.e. on November 8, the new poster of the film has been released on social media. Sharing a great poster of the film, Dhanush has announced the release of the film. He revealed that this film will be released in theatres on April 10, 2025. It is significant to note that ‘Idli Kadai’ is the fourth film that will be directed by National Award-winning actor Dhanush. Tamil actor Dhanush is going to be seen on the big screen with his directorial film ‘Idli Kadai’. This is Dhanush’s fourth directorial film. Nithya Menon is going to be seen in a co-role in the film. Today i.e. on November 8, the new poster of the film has been released on social media. Sharing a great poster of the film, Dhanush has announced the release of the film. He revealed that this film will be released in theatres on April 10, 2025. It is significant to note that ‘Idli Kadai’ is the fourth film that will be directed by National Award-winning actor Dhanush. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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