Mamta Kulkarni, a popular name in Bollywood during the ’90s era, has now become a Sadhvi after she officially took a ‘sanyaas’. The former Bollywood actress reached Kinnar Akhara in Mahakumbh on Friday morning where she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi at Kinnar Akhara and took blessings. There was a discussion between the two about becoming Mahamandaleshwar for about an hour. She was seen wearing a Rudraksh garland around her neck and a saffron bag hanging on her shoulder. A video of Mamta is doing rounds on social media wherein she can be seen wearing the saffron-coloured outfit, just like a Hindu monk. Her new name is Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. Mamta Kulkarni, a popular name in Bollywood during the ’90s era, has now become a Sadhvi after she officially took a ‘sanyaas’. The former Bollywood actress reached Kinnar Akhara in Mahakumbh on Friday morning where she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi at Kinnar Akhara and took blessings. There was a discussion between the two about becoming Mahamandaleshwar for about an hour. She was seen wearing a Rudraksh garland around her neck and a saffron bag hanging on her shoulder. A video of Mamta is doing rounds on social media wherein she can be seen wearing the saffron-coloured outfit, just like a Hindu monk. Her new name is Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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