Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey won the Filmfare Award for Best Actor this year for his earnest performance in 12th Fail. The actor who started his career with small roles in TV serials, is today counted among the lead heroes of Bollywood. After a struggle of about a decade, Vikrant Massey got the deserved stardom and made a mark in Bollywood films with a few roles. He is busy promoting his film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ these days. This film is releasing in theatres on Friday, November 15. Sabarmati Report is the real story of a massacre that took place in Gujarat 22 years ago. While talking about secularism in his family and personal life, the actor revealed the faiths of his parents and brother, which took the world by surprise. Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey won the Filmfare Award for Best Actor this year for his earnest performance in 12th Fail. The actor who started his career with small roles in TV serials, is today counted among the lead heroes of Bollywood. After a struggle of about a decade, Vikrant Massey got the deserved stardom and made a mark in Bollywood films with a few roles. He is busy promoting his film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ these days. This film is releasing in theatres on Friday, November 15. Sabarmati Report is the real story of a massacre that took place in Gujarat 22 years ago. While talking about secularism in his family and personal life, the actor revealed the faiths of his parents and brother, which took the world by surprise. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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