A special screening of Kiran Rao’s latest directorial Laapataa Ladies has been organised on Friday for the CJI and other judges of the Supreme Court. A video of the actor arriving at the Supreme Court premises made rounds on the internet. Along with the judges of the Supreme Court, their wives and registry officials have also been invited for the special screening. The director of the film, Kiran Rao, will also be present at the event. The screening will be held in the auditorium of the Supreme Court Administrative Building Complex. A special screening of Kiran Rao’s latest directorial Laapataa Ladies has been organised on Friday for the CJI and other judges of the Supreme Court. A video of the actor arriving at the Supreme Court premises made rounds on the internet. Along with the judges of the Supreme Court, their wives and registry officials have also been invited for the special screening. The director of the film, Kiran Rao, will also be present at the event. The screening will be held in the auditorium of the Supreme Court Administrative Building Complex. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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