Legendary actor Aamir Khan is all geared up to host a grand party for his mother Zeenat Hussain on her 90th birthday. As per a report by news agency ANI, the grand celebrations will see over 200 family members and friends flown in from various cities to celebrate her special day. The party will be held on June 13 at Aamir Khan’s residence in Mumbai. As per a source close to the actor, “Aamir Khan will fly in 200 plus family members and friends from different cities to celebrate his mother’s birthday on June 13. She has been unwell for over a year. Now that she has recovered and doing well, everyone wanted to do a large get together. Family and friends from all over India will gather to celebrate this special day. People are coming from Banaras, Bangalore, Lucknow, Mysore, and other cities.” Legendary actor Aamir Khan is all geared up to host a grand party for his mother Zeenat Hussain on her 90th birthday. As per a report by news agency ANI, the grand celebrations will see over 200 family members and friends flown in from various cities to celebrate her special day. The party will be held on June 13 at Aamir Khan’s residence in Mumbai. As per a source close to the actor, “Aamir Khan will fly in 200 plus family members and friends from different cities to celebrate his mother’s birthday on June 13. She has been unwell for over a year. Now that she has recovered and doing well, everyone wanted to do a large get together. Family and friends from all over India will gather to celebrate this special day. People are coming from Banaras, Bangalore, Lucknow, Mysore, and other cities.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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