Bollywood stars Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur bumped into each other at an event in Mumbai on Tuesday night. The two were even seen interacting with each other for some time while they stood with umbrellas to escape the downpour. Paparazoo Viral Bhayani shared the ‘Aashiqui 2’ moment on his social media account where the two actors met at an event and even hugged each other. For the event, Shraddha wore a black saree while Aditya opted for a black-coloured three-piece suit. Bollywood stars Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur bumped into each other at an event in Mumbai on Tuesday night. The two were even seen interacting with each other for some time while they stood with umbrellas to escape the downpour. Paparazoo Viral Bhayani shared the ‘Aashiqui 2’ moment on his social media account where the two actors met at an event and even hugged each other. For the event, Shraddha wore a black saree while Aditya opted for a black-coloured three-piece suit. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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