Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s younger son Abram remains in the limelight on social media for his cuteness. Like his elder siblings Aryan and Suhana, he is also one of the most loved star kids of Bollywood and his pictures and videos often go viral. Just like his father, whenever Abram is spotted in Mumbai, he attracts the attention of the fans. Meanwhile, another video of Abram is going viral, in which the paparazzi can be seen requesting him and the star kid’s reaction to the paps is now going viral. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s younger son Abram remains in the limelight on social media for his cuteness. Like his elder siblings Aryan and Suhana, he is also one of the most loved star kids of Bollywood and his pictures and videos often go viral. Just like his father, whenever Abram is spotted in Mumbai, he attracts the attention of the fans. Meanwhile, another video of Abram is going viral, in which the paparazzi can be seen requesting him and the star kid’s reaction to the paps is now going viral. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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