South cinema’s popular actor Nagarjuna was recently spotted at the airport. The actor was seen with that fan at Mumbai airport, due to which a big controversy had arisen in the past days. A few days ago also Nagarjuna was spotted at Mumbai airport, where one of his disabled fans was pushed by the bodyguard. After this, the video went viral on social media and the actor was facing a lot of criticism. Now the actor met that fan again, whose video is trending on social media. Along with meeting, the actor has also confessed his mistake. South cinema’s popular actor Nagarjuna was recently spotted at the airport. The actor was seen with that fan at Mumbai airport, due to which a big controversy had arisen in the past days. A few days ago also Nagarjuna was spotted at Mumbai airport, where one of his disabled fans was pushed by the bodyguard. After this, the video went viral on social media and the actor was facing a lot of criticism. Now the actor met that fan again, whose video is trending on social media. Along with meeting, the actor has also confessed his mistake. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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