Saif Ali Khan was attacked earlier this month at his Mumbai residence, following which he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. Later, the actor approached Ronit Roy’s security agency, ACE Security and Protection, for safety. In the latest development, Ronit’s security agency has deployed several guards in Saif’s society, Satguru Sharan. Ronit Roy’s company already provides security to many big stars in the film industry. After Saif was discharged from the hospital, actor Ronit Roy himself first went to the hospital and then also came to Saif’s residence. Saif Ali Khan was attacked earlier this month at his Mumbai residence, following which he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. Later, the actor approached Ronit Roy’s security agency, ACE Security and Protection, for safety. In the latest development, Ronit’s security agency has deployed several guards in Saif’s society, Satguru Sharan. Ronit Roy’s company already provides security to many big stars in the film industry. After Saif was discharged from the hospital, actor Ronit Roy himself first went to the hospital and then also came to Saif’s residence. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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