In a thrilling turn of events in the Mumbai property scene, Bollywood’s beloved actor Suniel Shetty and his son, Ahan Shetty, have splashed out a whopping Rs 8.01 crore on a chic new pad in Khar West, Bandra! The dynamic duo snagged this swanky 1,200-square-foot property through a bank auction, as revealed by registration documents accessed by Square Yards. In a thrilling turn of events in the Mumbai property scene, Bollywood’s beloved actor Suniel Shetty and his son, Ahan Shetty, have splashed out a whopping Rs 8.01 crore on a chic new pad in Khar West, Bandra! The dynamic duo snagged this swanky 1,200-square-foot property through a bank auction, as revealed by registration documents accessed by Square Yards. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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