After tying the knot at a star-studded wedding in Mumbai, newlyweds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant were warmly welcomed in Jamnagar on Wednesday. The duo was greeted with great enthusiasm and hospitality by the locals as they arrived in the town. Several videos and pictures are doing rounds on the internet wherein people are seen showering love on the newlyweds. One such video that is trending high on social media shows women decked out in traditional sarees, welcoming Radhika by performing aarti and showering her with rose petals. In the video, both Radhika and Anant seemed happy. The husband and wife duo twinned in pink attire. While Radhika kept her look simple in a pink suit, Anant wore a pink kurta with an ethnic jacket. After tying the knot at a star-studded wedding in Mumbai, newlyweds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant were warmly welcomed in Jamnagar on Wednesday. The duo was greeted with great enthusiasm and hospitality by the locals as they arrived in the town. Several videos and pictures are doing rounds on the internet wherein people are seen showering love on the newlyweds. One such video that is trending high on social media shows women decked out in traditional sarees, welcoming Radhika by performing aarti and showering her with rose petals. In the video, both Radhika and Anant seemed happy. The husband and wife duo twinned in pink attire. While Radhika kept her look simple in a pink suit, Anant wore a pink kurta with an ethnic jacket. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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