Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrated the 13th birthday of her daughter Aaradhya on November 16 and recently shared a series of pictures from the celebration on her Instagram handle. As per Aishwarya’s post, Aaradhya has now officially entered her teenage. Not only this, in one of the pics, the actress is also seen flaunting her wedding ring, which many are seeing a perfect way to dismiss the ongoing divorce rumours with Abhishek Bachchan. ”HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 THE ETERNAL LOVE OF MY LIFE dearest Daddy-Ajjaa and my darling Aaradhya MY HEART… MY SOUL… FOREVER AND BEYOND,” Aishwarya wrote in the caption. The post also included a throwback picture of little Aaradhya while another one of a balloon with the text, ”You’re officially a teenager Aaradhya”. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrated the 13th birthday of her daughter Aaradhya on November 16 and recently shared a series of pictures from the celebration on her Instagram handle. As per Aishwarya’s post, Aaradhya has now officially entered her teenage. Not only this, in one of the pics, the actress is also seen flaunting her wedding ring, which many are seeing a perfect way to dismiss the ongoing divorce rumours with Abhishek Bachchan. ”HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 THE ETERNAL LOVE OF MY LIFE dearest Daddy-Ajjaa and my darling Aaradhya MY HEART… MY SOUL… FOREVER AND BEYOND,” Aishwarya wrote in the caption. The post also included a throwback picture of little Aaradhya while another one of a balloon with the text, ”You’re officially a teenager Aaradhya”. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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