A video of Ishq co-actors Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgn reuniting at an event is doing rounds on social media. On Saturday, the two stars attended the mahurat event of the film titled Tera Yaad Hoon Main, which is the directorial debut of veteran director Indra Kumar’s son Aman. Soon after the video of Ajay and Aamir went viral on the internet, many netizens started demanding the sequel of their cult comedy flick. In the viral video, Aamir and Ajay can be seen greeting each other with a warm hug and the two even posed together on the red carpet. A video of Ishq co-actors Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgn reuniting at an event is doing rounds on social media. On Saturday, the two stars attended the mahurat event of the film titled Tera Yaad Hoon Main, which is the directorial debut of veteran director Indra Kumar’s son Aman. Soon after the video of Ajay and Aamir went viral on the internet, many netizens started demanding the sequel of their cult comedy flick. In the viral video, Aamir and Ajay can be seen greeting each other with a warm hug and the two even posed together on the red carpet. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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