Dharma Productions on Friday treated fans with the announcement of their much-awaited film based on C Sankaran Nair. The untitled film is touted to uncover the ‘shocking cover-up of a massacre’ that pushed India’s top barrister. The film will star Akshay Kumar, R Madhavan and Ananya Panday in the lead roles and it is scheduled to hit the big screens on March 14, 2025. Directed by Karan Singh Tyagi, the upcoming film is inspired by real-life events and adapted from the book named, The Case That Shook The Empire, written by Raghu Palat and Pushpa Palat. Dharma Productions on Friday treated fans with the announcement of their much-awaited film based on C Sankaran Nair. The untitled film is touted to uncover the ‘shocking cover-up of a massacre’ that pushed India’s top barrister. The film will star Akshay Kumar, R Madhavan and Ananya Panday in the lead roles and it is scheduled to hit the big screens on March 14, 2025. Directed by Karan Singh Tyagi, the upcoming film is inspired by real-life events and adapted from the book named, The Case That Shook The Empire, written by Raghu Palat and Pushpa Palat. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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