Social media influencer Alanna Panday, who is the cousin of Bollywood actress Ananya Panday took to her official Instagram handle and happily shared the news of the arrival of her newborn baby boy, with her husband, Ivor McCray. The journey from their dreamy wedding to the gender reveal party got huge attention from the audience. The gender reveal party was held a few months ago, and attended by various celebrities. It was an amazing gender reveal event, the decorations were in pastels and a special cake was also there for the couple. Now, a cute video has been shared by the couple on their Instagram handles to show their baby face. Social media influencer Alanna Panday, who is the cousin of Bollywood actress Ananya Panday took to her official Instagram handle and happily shared the news of the arrival of her newborn baby boy, with her husband, Ivor McCray. The journey from their dreamy wedding to the gender reveal party got huge attention from the audience. The gender reveal party was held a few months ago, and attended by various celebrities. It was an amazing gender reveal event, the decorations were in pastels and a special cake was also there for the couple. Now, a cute video has been shared by the couple on their Instagram handles to show their baby face. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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