Actor Alia Bhatt on Monday said the only theme common between her upcoming film Jigra and her husband Ranbir Kapoor’s movie Animal is that the protagonist goes to great lengths for a loved one. The actor said she is aware of the comparisons between the two movies but there isn’t much to it. While Jigra sees a sister (Alia) defy all odds to save her jailed brother (Vedang Raina) from death, Animal had a son (Ranbir) take drastic measures to avenge those who tried to assassinate his father (Anil Kapoor). Actor Alia Bhatt on Monday said the only theme common between her upcoming film Jigra and her husband Ranbir Kapoor’s movie Animal is that the protagonist goes to great lengths for a loved one. The actor said she is aware of the comparisons between the two movies but there isn’t much to it. While Jigra sees a sister (Alia) defy all odds to save her jailed brother (Vedang Raina) from death, Animal had a son (Ranbir) take drastic measures to avenge those who tried to assassinate his father (Anil Kapoor). IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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