In the latest development in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case, Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun has been arrested nby Hyderabad Police. Confirming Allu Arjun’s arrest in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case, ACP Chikkadpally L Ramesh Kumar said that the actor was brought to Chikkadpally Police Station for questioning earlier today. The judge sought an order to avoid arrest till Monday and asked the police to inform him by 2:30 pm. Currently, the actor has been taken to Gandhi Hospital from the police station. Later, he is likely to be taken to court. In the latest development in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case, Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun has been arrested nby Hyderabad Police. Confirming Allu Arjun’s arrest in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case, ACP Chikkadpally L Ramesh Kumar said that the actor was brought to Chikkadpally Police Station for questioning earlier today. The judge sought an order to avoid arrest till Monday and asked the police to inform him by 2:30 pm. Currently, the actor has been taken to Gandhi Hospital from the police station. Later, he is likely to be taken to court. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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