The Hyderabad Police on Thursday filed a case against actor Allu Arjun and others in connection with the death of a woman due to asphyxiation during a stampede-like situation at a Sandhya Theatre in the city during the premiere show of the actor’s latest film “Pushpa 2: The Rule”. The incident occurred at Sandhya Theatre during the Premier Show of Pushpa – 2 movie at about 9.40 pm on Wednesday. The office of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Central Zone, Hyderabad released a statement, giving the details about the case. The Hyderabad Police on Thursday filed a case against actor Allu Arjun and others in connection with the death of a woman due to asphyxiation during a stampede-like situation at a Sandhya Theatre in the city during the premiere show of the actor’s latest film “Pushpa 2: The Rule”. The incident occurred at Sandhya Theatre during the Premier Show of Pushpa – 2 movie at about 9.40 pm on Wednesday. The office of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Central Zone, Hyderabad released a statement, giving the details about the case. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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