South superstar Allu Arjun is currently engrossed in the Sandhya Theater stampede case. On Tuesday, he was called to Chikkadpally station for questioning. Before this, Allu Arjun himself had also held a press conference, where he called himself innocent and said that his name is being defamed in this case. Allu Arjun, his family and the team of Pushpa 2 are constantly in contact with the victim’s family in the stampede case and are taking care of 9-year-old Sritej admitted to the hospital. In this sequence, Allu Arjun’s father Allu Arvind has now made a big announcement on Wednesday. South superstar Allu Arjun is currently engrossed in the Sandhya Theater stampede case. On Tuesday, he was called to Chikkadpally station for questioning. Before this, Allu Arjun himself had also held a press conference, where he called himself innocent and said that his name is being defamed in this case. Allu Arjun, his family and the team of Pushpa 2 are constantly in contact with the victim’s family in the stampede case and are taking care of 9-year-old Sritej admitted to the hospital. In this sequence, Allu Arjun’s father Allu Arvind has now made a big announcement on Wednesday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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