Allu Arjun is making headlines on Friday for all the wrong reasons. Earlier today, he was arrested by the Hyderabad Police in connections to Sandhya Theatre woman death case. Now, the National Award-winning actor has been sent to 14-day judicial custody. As per the latest development, Allu Arjun’s lawyers will appeal against the action and move to high court. The horrifying incident took place on December 4 at midnight during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule. When the actor arrived at the location, fans went berserk and a stampede-like situation broke out, which took the life of a 39-year-old woman. Allu Arjun is making headlines on Friday for all the wrong reasons. Earlier today, he was arrested by the Hyderabad Police in connections to Sandhya Theatre woman death case. Now, the National Award-winning actor has been sent to 14-day judicial custody. As per the latest development, Allu Arjun’s lawyers will appeal against the action and move to high court. The horrifying incident took place on December 4 at midnight during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule. When the actor arrived at the location, fans went berserk and a stampede-like situation broke out, which took the life of a 39-year-old woman. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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