Allu Arjun’s fans were in big shock after the news of their favourite star being detained by the Hyderabad Police surfaced online. The actor was detained and taken to Hyderabad’s Chikkadpally Police Station for questioning in connection with the case of death of a woman at Sandhya Theatre on the day of the premiere night of Pushpa 2. A stampede broke out on December 4 midnight at the premiere show after the actor arrived at Sandhya Theatre, resulting in death of a 39-year-old woman. Now, a video of the actor is doing rounds on the internet wherein Allu Arjun is seen wearing a hoodie with his popular dialogue ‘Flower nahi, fire hai’ written over it. Allu Arjun’s fans were in big shock after the news of their favourite star being detained by the Hyderabad Police surfaced online. The actor was detained and taken to Hyderabad’s Chikkadpally Police Station for questioning in connection with the case of death of a woman at Sandhya Theatre on the day of the premiere night of Pushpa 2. A stampede broke out on December 4 midnight at the premiere show after the actor arrived at Sandhya Theatre, resulting in death of a 39-year-old woman. Now, a video of the actor is doing rounds on the internet wherein Allu Arjun is seen wearing a hoodie with his popular dialogue ‘Flower nahi, fire hai’ written over it. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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