Allu Arjun finally has a reason to celebrate as the Telangana High Court has granted an interim bail to the actor in the Sandhya Theatre stampede tragedy. However, he will remain in jail on Friday night as the release procedure faced delay. Earlier today, he was arrested by Hyderabad Police and was questioned regarding the case. Earlier, the case was being heard in the Telangana High Court, where Allu Arjun’s lawyer said, ”There was nothing in the police instructions that anyone could die due to the arrival of the actor. It is common for actors to attend the first show of their films.” Allu Arjun finally has a reason to celebrate as the Telangana High Court has granted an interim bail to the actor in the Sandhya Theatre stampede tragedy. However, he will remain in jail on Friday night as the release procedure faced delay. Earlier today, he was arrested by Hyderabad Police and was questioned regarding the case. Earlier, the case was being heard in the Telangana High Court, where Allu Arjun’s lawyer said, ”There was nothing in the police instructions that anyone could die due to the arrival of the actor. It is common for actors to attend the first show of their films.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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