Allu Arjun-starrer Pushpa 2: The Rule has added one more feather to its hat as the film has finally crossed the Rs 1,000 crore mark. The film achieved this feat after 17 days of its theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, Pushpa 2 minted Rs 13.75 crore on its third Friday, taking the total nett collections in India to Rs 1004.85 crore. As per the portal, the film has grossed over Rs 1,400 crore globally, which includes Rs 235 crore from the overseas market. Allu Arjun-starrer Pushpa 2: The Rule has added one more feather to its hat as the film has finally crossed the Rs 1,000 crore mark. The film achieved this feat after 17 days of its theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, Pushpa 2 minted Rs 13.75 crore on its third Friday, taking the total nett collections in India to Rs 1004.85 crore. As per the portal, the film has grossed over Rs 1,400 crore globally, which includes Rs 235 crore from the overseas market. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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