The Ambani family celebrated Ganesh Utsav with pomp and gaiety. Their close friends and Bollywood stars attended the festival. After worshipping Bappa, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and his family participated in the ‘Ganpati Visarjan’ ceremony on Sunday night. From Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani to newlyweds Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant bid farewell to Ganpati. The Ambani family celebrated Ganesh Utsav with pomp and gaiety. Their close friends and Bollywood stars attended the festival. After worshipping Bappa, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and his family participated in the ‘Ganpati Visarjan’ ceremony on Sunday night. From Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani to newlyweds Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant bid farewell to Ganpati. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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