Ananya Panday, actress and daughter of Chunky Pandey, recently shared that she suggested her father to delete his Instagram account to avoid trouble caused by his random likes on the platform. The father-daughter duo recently appeared on We Are Yuvaa’s show Be A Parent Yaar. On the show, Ananya addressed her father’s Instagram habits and said, ”You on Instagram needs to be deleted because you just keep liking anything without reading it and getting them into more trouble.” Ananya Panday, actress and daughter of Chunky Pandey, recently shared that she suggested her father to delete his Instagram account to avoid trouble caused by his random likes on the platform. The father-daughter duo recently appeared on We Are Yuvaa’s show Be A Parent Yaar. On the show, Ananya addressed her father’s Instagram habits and said, ”You on Instagram needs to be deleted because you just keep liking anything without reading it and getting them into more trouble.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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