Bollywood diva Ananya Panday recently paid visit to the iconic Golden Temple in Amritsar and sought blessings with her mother Bhavana Pandey and sister Rysa Pandey. Sharing glimpses of her spiritual visit, Ananya posted a series of pictures on her Instagram handle also showcasing her experience of Amritsar’s local cuisine. For her spiritual sojourn, the Call Me Bae actress wore a traditional white floral suit and shared a couple of pictures with folded hands in front of the iconic temple. Bollywood diva Ananya Panday recently paid visit to the iconic Golden Temple in Amritsar and sought blessings with her mother Bhavana Pandey and sister Rysa Pandey. Sharing glimpses of her spiritual visit, Ananya posted a series of pictures on her Instagram handle also showcasing her experience of Amritsar’s local cuisine. For her spiritual sojourn, the Call Me Bae actress wore a traditional white floral suit and shared a couple of pictures with folded hands in front of the iconic temple. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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