There was a time when a mother had to rebel to launch her daughter in Bollywood. Yes! we are talking about one of the most famous families in the Hindi Film Industry, the Kapoor family. Veteran actor Babita had to put in a lot of effort to make her elder daughter Karisma Kapoor a heroine. But over the years, things have become much easier for star families. Actor Anil Dhawan’s granddaughter Anjani Dhawan landed on the big screen this Friday. She also has full support from her Uncle Varun Dhawan. And, the audience is also liking Anjani’s first film ‘Binny and Family’. Same way another star kid Janhvi Kapoor also marked her Telugu debut today with Jr NTR’s Devara: Part 1. On the occasion have a look at 7-star kids who chose acting as their profession in the last 10 years. Also, have a look at their report card here. There was a time when a mother had to rebel to launch her daughter in Bollywood. Yes! we are talking about one of the most famous families in the Hindi Film Industry, the Kapoor family. Veteran actor Babita had to put in a lot of effort to make her elder daughter Karisma Kapoor a heroine. But over the years, things have become much easier for star families. Actor Anil Dhawan’s granddaughter Anjani Dhawan landed on the big screen this Friday. She also has full support from her Uncle Varun Dhawan. And, the audience is also liking Anjani’s first film ‘Binny and Family’. Same way another star kid Janhvi Kapoor also marked her Telugu debut today with Jr NTR’s Devara: Part 1. On the occasion have a look at 7-star kids who chose acting as their profession in the last 10 years. Also, have a look at their report card here. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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