On the occasion of Vicky Jain’s birthday party, the former Bigg Boss contestant threw a party for his friends along with his wife Ankita Lokhande. During this, when Vicky, Sandeep and Ankita were posing in the couple, suddenly Sandeep jokingly touched Ankita’s dress, and the Pavitra Rishta actor was seen getting furious. It all happened when Ankita was seen making a grand entry at the party with her husband Vicky Jain. Wearing a shimmery black outfit, she surprised everyone with her look and even looked radiant until Sandeep decided to have some fun. On the occasion of Vicky Jain’s birthday party, the former Bigg Boss contestant threw a party for his friends along with his wife Ankita Lokhande. During this, when Vicky, Sandeep and Ankita were posing in the couple, suddenly Sandeep jokingly touched Ankita’s dress, and the Pavitra Rishta actor was seen getting furious. It all happened when Ankita was seen making a grand entry at the party with her husband Vicky Jain. Wearing a shimmery black outfit, she surprised everyone with her look and even looked radiant until Sandeep decided to have some fun. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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