The documentary series ‘Angry Young Men’ has recently been released on Amazon Prime Video. This documentary shows the story and journey of Bollywood’s famous writer duo Salim-Javed. Once upon a time, Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar had written the story of many great films of Hindi cinema including ‘Sholay’ and ‘Mr. India’. This documentary of Prime Video shows the journey of these two, which is also being liked a lot. This series has received a lot of appreciation from many Bollywood stars. The name of actress Anushka Sharma has also been added to this list. The documentary series ‘Angry Young Men’ has recently been released on Amazon Prime Video. This documentary shows the story and journey of Bollywood’s famous writer duo Salim-Javed. Once upon a time, Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar had written the story of many great films of Hindi cinema including ‘Sholay’ and ‘Mr. India’. This documentary of Prime Video shows the journey of these two, which is also being liked a lot. This series has received a lot of appreciation from many Bollywood stars. The name of actress Anushka Sharma has also been added to this list. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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