Oscar award-winning music composer AR Rahman on Friday shared a video of the T20 World Cup-winning Indian men’s cricket team singing along to his popular rendition of the national song ‘Vande Mataram’ at the felicitation ceremony held at the Wankhede Stadium on July 4. Team India, led by skipper Rohit Sharma, danced and took a victory lap at Mumbai’s iconic stadium on Thursday evening. The Men in Blue won the maiden trophy in 2007. Oscar award-winning music composer AR Rahman on Friday shared a video of the T20 World Cup-winning Indian men’s cricket team singing along to his popular rendition of the national song ‘Vande Mataram’ at the felicitation ceremony held at the Wankhede Stadium on July 4. Team India, led by skipper Rohit Sharma, danced and took a victory lap at Mumbai’s iconic stadium on Thursday evening. The Men in Blue won the maiden trophy in 2007. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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